Page 17 - A Gender-Sensitive Indian Foreign Policy- Why? and How?
P. 17

Indian Council
                              of World Affairs

                           A gender-sensitive foreign policy includes a full engagement in
                           global debates on gender equality.

                        that we nurture in our homes - this is our family matter, no need to share
                        with the world. No need at all.

                        Outward-Facing Elements

                        A gender-sensitive foreign policy, I presume, includes a full engagement
                        in global debates on gender equality. The UN discourse on gender issues
                        is sustained through systematic consultation with civil society and
                        transnational women’s networks. A country with a gender-sensitive foreign
                        policy would enter into the same debates with the same spirit of inclusive
                        consultation. In other words, India’s foreign policy would be the product
                        of internal debate and open discussion that engaged not just think-tanks
                        with former government servants but also academia, civil society, people’s
                        movements and why not, community town halls.

                        A gender-sensitive foreign policy would also mean a deeper commitment to
                        global norms related to human rights and gender equality. For instance, India
                        has ratified the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination
                        against Women (1979) with two declarations of contingencies and one
                        reservation. Culture and pluralism are offered as explanation. It has not
                        ratified the Optional Protocol which allows women to directly approach the
                        CEDAW committee for justice when national systems fail them. One could
                        read the Optional Protocol as a global reprimand for the failings of one’s
                        own system or one could prioritise the right of an individual to justice even
                        trading off some sovereignty in their interest. The latter would be the choice
                        of a gender-sensitive foreign policy.

                        A feminist foreign policy would abjure militaristic solutions to diplomatic
                        problems. I would venture to say that because militarism and militarisation
                        adversely impact all genders, a gender-sensitive foreign policy would also do
                        the same. Therefore, arms sales, military alliances and certainly, arms races
                        would be regarded less favourably than humanitarian or development aid, or
                        trade, as tools of foreign policy.

                        A gender lens puts human beings at the centre of our attention, and a gender-
                        sensitive foreign policy would do the same. The human and the humane

                           A gender lens puts human beings at the centre of our attention,
                           and a gender-sensitive foreign policy would do the same. The
                           human and the humane would be at the heart of our policy                           17

                        A GENDER-SENSITIVE INDIAN FOREIGN POLICY  Why? and How?
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