Page 14 - ICWA Newsletter English April-June 2021
P. 14

INDIAN COUNCIL                       SAPRU HOUSE
                              OF WORLD AFFAIRS

              INDIA IN UNSC

               1.   ‘India in UNSC: Monthly Recap for April 2021: Focus on Asia,   Amb. Asoke Mukerji
                   Africa and Thematic Issues’

               2.   ‘India in UNSC: Monthly Recap for May 2021: Focus on Asia,   Amb. Asoke Mukerji
                   Israel/Palestine, Africa and Thematic Issues’

               3.   ‘India in UNSC: Monthly Recap for June 2021: Focus on Asia,   Amb. Asoke Mukerji
                   Africa, Thematic Issues, Cybersecurity’


                                         A Gender-Sensitive Indian
                                         Foreign Policy-Why? And How?
                          Indian Council
                          of World Affairs
                                         -An ICWA Conversation

                  A GENDER-SENSITIVE
                 INDIAN FOREIGN POLICY
                     Why? and How?

                                                   India and UN Peace Operations:
                       An ICWA Conversation
                                                    Principles of UN Peacekeeping
                                                                    and Mandate
                                                            Part I – A Joint ICWA-USI
                      international women’s day 2021
                                                      Publication edited by AK Bardalai
                                                               and Pradeep Goswami


                                          Sapru House: A Story of Institution-
                                          Building in World Affairs

                                          Dr. TCA Raghavan and
                                          Dr. Vivek Mishra

                                          (Indian Council of World Affairs, 2021)

                                                 A Bangladesh War Commentary:
                                                           1971 Radio Dispatches
                                                                    U.L. Baruah

                                                      (Indian Council of World Affairs,
                                                         Macmillan Education, 2021)

            ISSUE : 25  |  APRIL-JUNE 2021                                                                 14
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