India Quarterly is a peer reviewed journal of international affairs. When launched in 1945, its focus was primarily on India and Asia. However, as India’s interests have expanded so too has the mandate of the journal to include submissions on varied themes that are likely to impact India’s global interests.
As the flagship publication of the Indian Council of World Affairs (ICWA), the India Quarterly aims to encourage scholars, journalists and other intellectuals to contribute original articles on matters concerning international relations and national foreign policies. It promotes objective analysis on themes of critical importance for understanding international affairs. Conceptually sound, empirically grounded and policy-oriented articles are particularly encouraged. Falling within its purview are regional and global concerns such as environmental issues, energy security, identity-centric conflicts and their international ramifications, cross-border movements of people and related concerns of human trafficking, gun-running, terrorist networking, migration of diseases, and global and regional political economy.
The opinions expressed in India Quarterly are those of the authors and need not necessarily be in conformity with the outlook of the ICWA. Apart from articles, the journal also features a book review section with book reviews & review essays and often, commentaries.
This prestigious Quarterly is also indexed in 'SCOPUS', ‘International Political Science Abstracts’ and ‘ABC of Political Science’.
The copyright and all rights of reproduction and translation of material published in ‘India Quarterly’ are reserved by the Council. Application for permission to translate or reproduce any material contained in them should be made to the Editor, India Quarterly.
Manuscripts and all editorial correspondence should be addressed to: The Editor, India Quarterly, at Indian Council of World Affairs, Sapru House, 01, Barakhambha Road, New Delhi 110 001.
Please refer to our Guidelines for Contributors to India Quarterly before submission of your manuscript. Manuscripts should be submitted via email only to editor[dot]iq[at]icwa[dot]in or editorindiaquarterly[at]gmail[dot]com or indiaquarterly[at]gmail[dot]com
For more information and subscription, please visit:
The Editorial Board of ‘India Quarterly’ has the following members:
Editor-in-chief :-
Indian Council of World Affairs
Sapru House, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi-01
Email id - dg[at]icwa[dot]in
Editor :-
Prof. Chintamani Mahapatra
Room No-202
Indian Council of World Affairs
Sapru House, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi-01
Associate Editor :
Editorial Committee :-
Editorial Advisory Board :-
Please refer to our Guidelines for Contributors to India Quarterly /Guidelines for Contributors to India Quarterly-Contd. before submission of your manuscript. Manuscripts should be submitted via email only to[at]icwa[dot]in or editorindiaquarterly[at]gmail[dot]com or indiaquarterly[at]gmail[dot]com
Peer Review and Publication Policy
Ethics Policy
Frequency of Publication
Indexing in Databases
Policy on Submission/Publication Charge