H.E. Amb. Vijay Thakur Singh, DG of ICWA
H.E. Amb. Salman Al Farisi, SG of IORA
Hon’ble Geetika Srivastava, JS of IP Division MEA Excellencies,
Honourable Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Good afternoon, Namaskar, Assalamualaikum…
- It is a pleasure for me to be here today at the 39th Sapru House
- Firstly, I would like to convey my sincerest appreciation towards MEA, especially Indo-Pacific Division, and ICWA for co-hosting this
- I am also truly grateful with the presence of our prominent speaker today…H.E. Salman Al Farisi, the Secretary General of IORA…who will give his lecture on the work of IORA to celebrate its 25 years of jubilee….
- Jakarta Concord was signed on March 2017… However, … IORA roots are deep and can be traced back to antiquity…
- At a time when geographical distances between the eastern and western parts of the region were simply overwhelming… our ancestors already braved the fury of wind and wave to cross the Indian Ocean in order to trade… and thus… though they were not aware of it… they promoted cultural cross-fertilization….
- This network of trading and inter-migration, which lasted for centuries, also gave our region a distinct identity… And as such… this event is important to celebrate this strong connection…
Excellencies, Honorable Participants,
- Enormous challenges are constantly emerging across the world…
- In the last two and a half years, pandemic have been occupying much of the world’s resources and attention…
- When the world has not yet fully recovered from the pandemic… another crisis appears and confronts us… the war in Ukraine… which splits the world and its ripple effects are being felt ..
èExtreme challenge in energy and food security… which lead to inflation that has also created deep concerns on the global financial security… and putting developing economies at even greater difficulties...
- Aside from that, the world is also faced with the issue of climate change… which needs collective global actions to be adapted and mitigated…
- It is indeed… sort of…. a perfect storm for our world and beloved earth…
- In this regard…. I would like to reiterate my Minister of Foreign Affairs’ recent statement in the UN General Assembly … that the current world need new paradigm… to turn trust deficit... into strategic trust… to establish engagement not containment… collaboration not
- This paradigm is paramount important to enable the world in tackling numerous crises that unfolding…
- Recovery would only take place… if the world continues to nurture dialogue and collaboration…
Excellencies, Honorable Participants,
- Against the backdrop of global dynamics… IORA has to adjust and adapt … to remain relevant and become the building block for stability, prosperity and cooperation in the region…
- Amid an increased geopolitical rivalry... IORA could contribute to nurture a dialogue for a stable, peaceful, and prosperous Indo–Pacific.
- This can be achieved, among others by creating synergy with all regional mechanism in the Indo-Pacific region … be it on maritime … SDGs … connectivity … and other economic
- As the leading platform for cooperation in the Indian Ocean… IORA is in a strategic position…
èto promote the Indian Ocean region as the new centre of sustainable economic growth.
- With the upcoming IORA Council of Minister Meeting (COM) in November 2022… Indonesia is hoping that IORA will contribute on concrete solutions for the global
- Bangladesh is the IORA Chair in 2021-2023… In this important moment… Indonesia would like to express its utmost appreciation to all Bangladesh’s initiatives as IORA Chair… importantly the Dhaka Development Initiative (DDI) as one of its strategic deliverables….
èIndonesia views that DDI could complement the existing mechanism in IORA…
- Let me conclude by quoting William James, a philosopher, who said “we are like islands in the sea, separate on the surface but connected on the deep” …
- I thank you for your kind
Wassalamualaikum, Namaskar, May peace be upon us all…