Library Services
- Bibliographic service- Bibliographies on specific topics are provided to the researchers on request.
- Reference service (Traditional and Non-Traditional/Online/)- Reference Service - Information is collected from the library against specific requests from researchers.
- Digitized Institutional Repository Service – one million Press Clipping (275 national and international newspapers covering the period from 1950 onwards), Newspaper (The Hindu since 1933-2002), Rare Books (10 thousand, year 1727 onwards).
- SDI Service (Select Dissemination of Information)/ off line/online -Meant for individual users, mainly specialists, which is exclusively restricted to the area of interest of the user concerned.
- CAS Service (Current Awareness Service) off line/online- Current awareness service provides current information to the user.
- Online Data Base service, Journals- Various Journals’ online database access in the local network.
- OPAC services (Online Public Access Catalogue): is a bibliographic data catalogue of a library's collection, it is searchable through author, title, any keyword.
- Computers and the internet- Free access for user.
- Photocopying service: Photocopying at nominal charges.
- Personal Books -Reader allowed to bring two personal books inside the library.
Online Resources
List of Subscribed Journals
- African Affairs.
- African Security Review.
- British Journal of Politics and International Relations.
- China Report.
- Chinese Journal of International Politics.
- Contemporary Southeast Asia.
- Defence Studies.
- Economic and Political Weekly.
- Economist, The.
- European Security.
- Far Eastern Affairs.
- Foreign Affairs.
- Foreign Policy
- Frontline.
- Himalayan and Central Asian Studies.
- India Strategic.
- India Today.
- International Affairs. (Moscow)
- International Affairs. (London)
- International Journal of Middle East Studies.
- International Journal: Canada’s Journal of Global Policy Analysis.
- International Organization.
- International Political Science Review.
- International Relations.
- International Security
- Issues and Studies.
- Journal of Modern African Studies, The.
- Journal of Palestine Studies.
- Middle East Journal.
- Orbis.
- Political Quarterly, The.
- Political Science Quarterly.
- Review of International Studies.
- Russia in Global Affairs.
- South African Journal of International Affairs.
- South Asia Research.
- South Asian Studies.
- SRELS Journal of Information Management.
- Washington Quarterly, The.
- World Affairs.
- World Focus.
- Yojana
Special Collection:
Heritage of Diplomacy- It is a bouquet of books and memoirs written by Ambassadors and senior diplomats of India. This special collection is available in the ICWA Library. Anecdotes, short stories, autobiographical accounts and India's relations with other countries looked through the prism of our Ambassadors are some of the uniqueness of this collection.
Treasure Trove of Antique titles- The library possesses thousands of invaluable books. Few of them are worth mentioning;
- The History of Japan, giving an account of the ancient and prefent states and government of that Empire; Its Temples, Places, Caftles and other Buildings; of Its Metals, Minerals, Trees, Plants, Animals, Birds and Fishes etc. [By Scheuchzer, F.G.. London: S.N., 1727.]
- The General History of China, containing a geographical, hiftorical, chronological, political and phyfical defcription of the Empire of China, Chinefe-Tartary, Corea and Thibet. [By Du Halde, P. London: S.N.1736, ]
- Historical Account of Discoveries and Travels in Asia: from the earliest ages to the present time. [By Murray, Hugh. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Browm, 1820]
- History of the Political and Military Transactions in India, during the Administration of the Marquess of Hastings (1813-23). [By Princep, Henry T. London: Kingsbury, Parbury, & Allen. 1825]
- Journey to the North of India: overland from England through Russia, Persia and Afghanistan. [By CoNolly, Arthur. London: Richard Bentley, 1838.]
- Sepoy War in India. [By Kaye, J.W. London: S.N.1858, ]
- India in 1858: a summary of the existing administration, political, fiscal and judicial of British India. [By Mills, Arthur. London: John Murray, 1858]
- Manual International for the use of Navies, Colonies and Cosulates. [By Ferguson, Jan Helenus. London:S.N.1884,]
- The Modern World. [By Dutt, Shoshee Chunder. Gilbert and Rivington, London, 1884]
- The Imperial Gazetteer of India. [By Hunter, W.W. London: Trubner, 1886.]
- A Historical Geography of the British Colonies. [By Lucas, C.P. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1890]
- The History of China. [By Boulger, Demetrius Charles. London: W. Thacker, 1898.]
- A History of the Law of Nations. [By Walker, Thomas Alfred. Cambridge University Press, 1899.]
- A Diplomatist's Wife in Japan: letters from home to home. [By Fraser, Hugh. London: Hutchinson & Co., 1899.]