The project was co-funded by the European Commission and implemented in partnership with the European University Institute (EUI) as lead partner, Maastricht University – Netherlands, and Indian Institute of Management – Bangalore during February 2011 and October 2013. The project together with all the four partners has produced 75 research papers/reports. The erstwhile Indian Centre for Migration alone has contributed 10 research papers, 3 workshops/training sessions, an awareness campaign in Doab region of Punjab (currently under implementation) and the final conference. The details of all research papers, workshop/training sessions and awareness campaign can be accessed in the following links-
Project Objectives and Deliverables
The proposed action was aimed at consolidating a constructive dialogue between the EU and India on migration covering all migration-related aspects. The objectives of the proposed action are aimed at:
- Assembling high-level Indian-EU expertise in major disciplines that deal with migration (demography, economics, law, sociology and politics) with a view to building up migration studies in India. This was an inherently international exercise in which experts used standardized concepts and instruments that allowed for aggregation and comparison. These experts belonged to all major disciplines that dealt with migration, ranging from demography to law and from economics to sociology and political science.
- Providing the Government of India as well as the European Union, its Member States, the academia and civil society, with:
- Making research serve action by connecting experts with both policy makers and the wider public through respectively policy-oriented research, training courses and outreach programmes.
These three objectives have been pursued with a view to developing a knowledge base addressed to policy makers and migration stakeholders in both the EU and India.
The project ended in 2013.