Page 47 - Indo-Pacific Oceans Initiative (IPOI) 2021
P. 47


                                  Former Director, National Maritime Foundation and
                                  Consultant, ICWA

           Dr. Vijay Sakhuja is former Director, National Maritime Foundation, New Delhi,
           India. He currently heads the ‘Maritime Studies and IORA Unit’ of the Indian
           Council of World Affairs, New Delhi. Dr. Sakhuja has been on the faculty of a
           number of think tanks and universities in India and overseas. A former Indian
           Navy officer, Sakhuja specializes in Indo-Pacific affairs, maritime security, Blue
           Economy, Arctic issues, and 4th Industrial Revolution technologies. He has
           published over 40 books, edited volumes and monographs including two books on
           Blue Economy. Sakhuja is also member of the FICCI Taskforce on Blue Economy.  He
           is member of the international editorial board of Journal of Indian Ocean Region
           (Taylor & Francis), Journal of Indian Ocean Rim Studies and Journal of Greater
           Mekong Studies.

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