Page 29 - A Gender-Sensitive Indian Foreign Policy- Why? and How?
P. 29

Indian Council
                              of World Affairs

                           India’s stated commitments to mainstreaming gender in peace
                           operations can be potentially strengthened through further
                           attention to the “prevention” pillar of the WPS agenda.

                        to women and peacekeeping. A second example relates to India’s shifting
                        stance on the coming together of the WPS and the countering terrorism
                        agendas. India cautioned against this in 2015, but by 2018 it was calling
                        for the Council’s Sanctions Committees to ‘address the issue of proactively
                        listing terrorist individuals and entities involved in sexual and gender-based
                        violence in armed conflict’.

                        So, peacekeeping and terrorism are the two main thematic issues that
                        stood out to me. I will focus on these as I move on to the second point
                        about moving forward in this current (2021-2022) term. We can expect
                        peacekeeping to remain central to this discussion. At the recent ICWA-
                        USI webinar on India and UN peace operations, more than one speaker
                        brought up issues relating to women’s participation and protection. In
                        that sense, WPS appears to have been mainstreamed to some extent in
                        the Indian approach. I would add here, inferring from India’s statements,
                        that the FFPU’s work in Liberia was aimed to prevent recurrence of conflict
                        as well; India’s stated commitments to mainstreaming gender in peace
                        operations can be potentially strengthened through further attention to the
                        “prevention” pillar of the WPS agenda.

                        With terrorism identified as a major area of concern, and with India chairing
                        two sanctions committees this year and poised to chair the counterterrorism
                        committee in 2022, there may be further developments with regard to
                        WPS as well. I should add here that feminist scholars have advised caution
                        when bringing together the WPS and counterterrorism agendas, as it may
                        – among others – increase vulnerabilities of women in
                        some cases. I am sure that Dr. Parashar, who studies
                        terrorism, can add to this in the question and
                        answer session.

                        On my part, I will highlight two issues
                        that India would need to consider, as it
                        continues with its engagement with
                        the global WPS agenda. This is my
                        third and concluding point. First,
                        India’s attention to gender-sensitive
                        foreign policy in the security sector
                        would draw attention to domestic issues. At the
                        Security Council, domestic references by India                                        29
                        have mainly highlighted women’s political

                        A GENDER-SENSITIVE INDIAN FOREIGN POLICY  Why? and How?
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