Page 36 - A Gender-Sensitive Indian Foreign Policy- Why? and How?
P. 36

Indian Council
                                                                                        of World Affairs

                        Now we come to the last panellist but not the least in our discussion
                        this afternoon, Ms. Akanksha Khullar. She is a researcher at the Centre
                        for Internal and Regional security at the Institute of Peace and Conflict
                        Studies in Delhi. Her work focuses on women, peace and security agenda
                        and identifying how national, regional and international organizations
                        contributed in shaping UN Security Council Resolution 1325. I invite
                        Akanksha to make her remarks. Thank you.

    Ms. Akanksha Khullar   I, as a researcher and a feminist, strongly believe that the reasons as to why
      (Researcher, Centre for   India should pursue a gender sensitive foreign policy are many. But what
      Internal and Regional
        Security at Institute   thrills me is the fact, that people have begun asking this question today and
       of Peace and Conflict   at a time when India’s foreign policy is already envisioning widening its
        Studies, New Delhi)
                        sphere of influence and is moving towards making a stronger commitment
                        towards the goal of women empowerment.

                        For instance, India has recently secured a significant victory by becoming a
                        member the prestigious UN Commission on the Status of Women. India has
                        also been elected to UNSC as a non-permanent member and upon assuming
                        its seat, Ambassador T.S. Tirumurti, Permanent Representative of India to the
                        UN, highlighted that during its tenure, peace-keeping and peace-building
                        along with women’s inclusion will receive India’s attention.

                        It is also important to note here that, previously, India has actively
                        participated in the UNSC open debates on WPS, which is a cross-cutting
                        issue and has co-sponsored Resolution 1889 that forms a part of the WPS
                        agenda and is focused on post-conflict peace-building, calling for the
                        development of indicators to measure the implementation of UNSCR 1325
                        both within the UN system, and by Member States.

                        However, to ensure that India’s strong rhetorical commitments regarding
                        gender equality and women’s participation in peace and security matters,

                           India has also been elected to UNSC as a non-permanent member

                           and upon assuming its seat, Amb. T.S. Tirumurti, Permanent
                           Representative of India to the UN, highlighted that during its
                           tenure, peace-keeping and peace-building along with women’s
         36                inclusion will receive India’s attention.

                       Indian Council of World Affairs                           An ICWA Conversation
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