Page 39 - A Gender-Sensitive Indian Foreign Policy- Why? and How?
P. 39

Indian Council
                              of World Affairs

                           While India’s diplomatic architecture has already adopted tools
                           for soft power diplomacy, embracing a Feminist Foreign Policy
                           could further place India’s existing efforts in a better position to
                           fulfil its global power ambition by prioritizing human security and
                           gender issues.

                        While India’s diplomatic architecture has already adopted tools for soft
                        power diplomacy, embracing a Feminist Foreign Policy could further place
                        India’s existing efforts in a better position to fulfil its global power ambition
                        by prioritizing human security and gender issues.

                        Taking such an approach would potentially allow India to portray itself
                        as a country that is concerned about variegated issues; perform better in
                        indicators and indexes that are designed to assess the overall development
                        of nations, setting an example for other countries; and contribute rigorously
                        towards empowering women, and bringing about sustainable peace.

                        Adoption of Feminist Foreign Policy could also provide a starting point
                        for an internal shift in India’s domestic context, especially in terms of
                        strictly defined patriarchal gender roles, in which women continue to be
                        subordinated to men. Empirical research has suggested that gender equality
                        is an important pre-requisite for the economic and social development of a
                        nation, the strengthening of democratic institutions, and the advancement
                        of national security. By eliminating existing barriers that restrict women’s
                        participation and other marginalized groupings in India’s decision-making
                        processes it would enable more inclusive policies.

                        Finally, a FFP could provide a major boon to the country’s international
                        relations by indicating its commitment to women empowerment, which
                        would further allow India to foster stronger ties with countries that have
                        either adopted this framework — such as Mexico, Sweden, and Canada — or
                        that are otherwise prominent advocates of gender equality. Considering that
                        FFP is an all-inclusive approach, it could also push India to foster relations
                        with other nations by engaging with civil society organizations that already
                        have a strong human rights standing in those countries.

                        FFP, therefore, offers India a platform to deepen its commitments and make
                        its presence felt as an emerging power. India’s past efforts signal that it is

                           Adoption of Feminist Foreign Policy could also provide a starting
                           point for an internal shift in India’s domestic context, especially in
                           terms of strictly defined patriarchal gender roles, in which women
                           continue to be subordinated to men.                                                39

                        A GENDER-SENSITIVE INDIAN FOREIGN POLICY  Why? and How?
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