Page 12 - ICWA NewsletterOctober- December 2020
P. 12

                               OF WORLD AFFAIRS                        SAPRU HOUSE

            New Delhi. The discussion focussed on the UNSC     Rajeswari Rajagopalan, Distinguished Fellow &
            Resolution 1325 which is a highly researched and   Head of the Nuclear and Space Policy Initiative,
            debated Resolution. There have also been a number   Observer Research Foundation, New Delhi. The
            of other attempts by the UN to address the gender   panelists reiterated the importance of women’s
            issue in IR. The session discussed how Gender      contribution in various fields like practice
            equality and Gender justice are different; and how   of international relations, media, diplomacy
            the Global South needs to assert itself in the global   and research.
            Women, Peace & Security (WPS) agenda.              In her opening remarks at the Panel Discussion
            The fifth session on ‘Gender, Culture and Soft     on ‘Traditional Roles and Glass Ceilings’, Amb.
            Power’ was chaired by Prof. Rekha Pande, Former    Nirupama said that elements of feminism,
            Head, Centre for Women’s Studies, Former Head,     nationalism, and internationalism displayed by
            Department of History, University of Hyderabad. The   Vijaylakshmi Pandit, Sarojini Naidu and Kamala
            speakers included Prof. Pushpesh Kumar, Professor,   Devi Chattopadyaya show the contribution of
            Department of Sociology, University of Hyderabad;   Indian women to important debates of their times.
            Mr. Ajit Kulshreshtha, Additional Director General   Hansa Mehta and Geeta Sehgal ensured that the
            (Retd), Central Reserve Police; Former Inspector   UN Declaration on Human Rights is more inclusive
            General, Rapid Action Force (RAF); and Prof. Aparna   by replacing “all men” with “all humans”. In a
            Rayaprol, Professor, Department of Sociology,      cooperative world order, women of India and across
            University of Hyderabad.                           the globe have to play a proactive role for a better
            The final session was ‘Panel Discussion on         world. Diplomacy must be gender neutral. It is the
            Traditional Roles and Glass Ceilings’. It was chaired   art of negotiating peace over war, taking the middle
            by Amb. Nirupama Menon Rao, Former Foreign         way and includes the deftness of communication.
            Secretary of India.  The panelists included Dr.    Diplomacy has to embrace diversity. Foreign policy
            Gyanesh Kudaisya, Associate Professor, South       and Diplomacy is meant to be inclusive. ‘We the
            Asian Studies Programme, National University of    people’ should include ‘she the people’. The full
            Singapore; Ms Nirupama Subramanian, Editor,        text of her remarks is at
            Indian Express; Ms Ruhee Neog, Director, Institute   The ICWA hopes to publish the full proceedings of
            of Peace and Conflict Studies, New Delhi; and Dr.   this conference.

            ISSUE : 23  |  OCTOBER-DECEMBER 2020                                                           12
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