Page 14 - ICWA NewsletterOctober- December 2020
P. 14

                               OF WORLD AFFAIRS                        SAPRU HOUSE

            Web Interaction between ICWA and FUNAG, Brazil
            20 October 2020

                 Dr. T.C.A Raghavan, Director General, ICWA    S K Reddy participated in the meeting.  It was agreed
            Aheld a web meeting with Minister Roberto          that the two institutions would hold a dialogue
            Goidanich, President of the Alexandre de Gusmão    to further strengthen India-Brazil political and
            Foundation (FUNAG), Brazil to discuss future       economic ties. The two institutions also agreed to
            collaboration between the two MoU partner          increase scholarly exchanges through collaboration
            institutions. The Ambassador of India to Brazil Shri   on books and research articles.

            Conclusion of 2+2 MoU with partners from Republic

            of Korea
            22 October 2020

                 Indian Council of World Affairs (ICWA),       Korean National Diplomatic
            Aand Research and Information System for           Academy (KNDA) and Dr. Jung Sung Chun, Senior
            Developing Countries (RIS) of the Republic of India   Vice President, Korea Institute for International
            and Korea National Diplomatic Academy (KNDA),      Economic Policy (KIEP) signed the MoU.
            and Korea Institute for International Economic     Congratulatory remarks were made by Amb. Sripriya
            Policy (KIEP) of the Republic of Korea established   Ranganathan, Ambassador of India to Republic
            a 2+2 Dialogue to promote academic collaboration   of Korea and Amb. Shin Bongkil, Ambassador of
            between the two countries. The MoU on Bilateral    Republic of Korea in India. The 2+2 Dialogue seeks
            Dialogue between the four institutions was signed   to upgrade the existing Dialogue between ICWA
            on October 22, 2020. Dr. TCA Raghavan, DG, ICWA    and KNDA to make it into a security cum economic
            signed the MoU on behalf of ICWA. Dr. Sachin       dialogue by including RIS and KIEP to the advantage
            Chaturvedi, DG, RIS signed on behalf of RIS. From   of the opportunities offered by India’s Act East Policy
            the Korean side, Dr. Kim Joon-hyung, Chancellor,   and Korea’s New Southern Policy.

            ISSUE : 23  |  OCTOBER-DECEMBER 2020                                                           14
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