Page 27 - Indo-Pacific Oceans Initiative (IPOI) 2021
P. 27


           The Indo-Pacific Region has become   Underwater Domain Awareness
           a critical strategic space in the new   (UDA) Framework proposed by the
           global order. More and more nations   Maritime Research Centre (MRC),
           are trying to maintain their strategic   Pune encourages pooling of resources
           presence in the region. The Indo-  and synergizing of efforts across all the
           Pacific is a maritime construct and   four stakeholders - maritime security,
           is spread across the tropical littoral   blue economy, marine environment
           waters of the Indian Ocean and    & disaster management and science
           the Pacific Ocean. The Indo-Pacific   & technology. It focusses on the
           presents very unique challenges   critical aspects of policy & technology
           and opportunities on all the three   interventions as well as the acoustic
           fronts, namely political, economic   capacity & capability building. The
           and from the strategic security   SAGAR vision of the Honourable Prime
           perspective. The Maritime Domain   Minister is better served with effective
           Awareness (MDA) is a term associate   UDA framework on the ground. The
           with enhanced understanding of the   presentation will elaborate on the
           underlying dynamics for effective   local R&D requirements, academic
           governance. However, the MDA      programs, skilling requirements,
           remained security driven post the   innovation possibilities and the policy
           9/11 incident globally and also in   gaps. India has a good opportunity
           India post the 26/11 incident. The   of projecting itself as a knowledge
           security driven formulation limits the   and skill hub of the Indo-Pacific
           participation of the other stakeholders   Region. Focus on the acoustic capacity
           and thus fails to be inclusive. The   and capability with enhanced UDA
           conventional MDA globally has     framework will be a game changer for
           remained on the surface of the ocean   the Indo-Pacific Ocean Initiative. The
           and the underwater component has   Indo part of the Indo-Pacific needs to
           been a major cause of concern. The   be appreciated in its strategic context.

                           3 September 2021  |  Sapru House, New Delhi   27
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