Page 32 - Indo-Pacific Oceans Initiative (IPOI) 2021
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                                  Editor-in-Chief, Geography and You

           Sulagna Chattopadhyay has been working for 25 years on research and outreach
           with a special focus on climate change, polar issues, disaster management and
           biodiversity, cross-cut with ocean sciences. She is the founder-Editor of ISSN
           and RNI accredited Geography and You (G’nY), a multidisciplinary journo-mag
           focusing on climate change, social issues and the environment being published
           since 2001. She has brought out several special issues dedicated to the oceans,
           titled “Seas and Oceans around India”, “Sentinels of the Seas”, “Ocean Tech”,
           “Deep Sea Exploration” and more. In addition, she has delivered talks on marine
           plastic pollution at the World Conference on Pollution Control and Emission
           Monitoring, New Delhi. Apart from completing 151 issues of the journo-mag, she
           has co-authored two books ‘Climate Change and The White World’ and ‘Science
           and Geopolitics of Arctic- Antarctic-Himalaya’ published by Springer along with six
           other books on varied topics. She has been a member of the National Biodiversity
           Authority, MoEF&CC, and earlier in the Working Group on Disaster in the Planning
           Commission and BSDMA. She has been awarded the “Business Excellence and
           Innovative Best Practices Academia Award-2019” by the New Delhi Institute of
           Management (NDIM).

                                              National Consultations on
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