Page 33 - Indo-Pacific Oceans Initiative (IPOI) 2021
P. 33


           A large number of ocean stressors   vast coastal regions also contribute
           are anthropogenic in nature. These   hugely to marine plastic pollution.
           include ocean acidification and   Internationally, several nations have
           warming, coastal pollution and    put in place legislation in an effort to
           subsequent alteration of ecological   curb plastic pollution in the oceans.
           structures and processes. Moreover,   The USA established the Clean Water
           stressors may interact with each other,   Act and the US Marine Plastic Pollution
           resulting in cumulative detrimental   Research and Control Act (MPPRCA),
           oceanic interactions. In fact, stressors   while Japan has the Water Supply Act
           such as macro and microplastics in
           the ocean exacerbate the already   and Sewerage Law and Scotland put
           distressed world ocean ecosystem.   in place the Scotland Marine Litter
           In a survey of 254 beaches from 11   Strategy and National Litter Strategy.
           states conducted by the Central   India has recently upped its scientific
           Marine Fisheries Research Institute,   endeavours towards mapping marine
           Cochin, Goa registered the highest   litter and collaboration between India
           values for plastic litters. These toxify   and Japan aims to share scientific
           marine animals and birds. Episodic   knowledge and data at a regional
           extreme events, floods, cyclones,   level as part of a joint effort to reduce
           storm surges and tsunamis along the   marine litter.

                           3 September 2021  |  Sapru House, New Delhi   33
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