Page 36 - Indo-Pacific Oceans Initiative (IPOI) 2021
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collapsed while 24 percent stocks were   the concentration is around Arafura–
           over-exploited in 2018.           Timor Sea, Banda Sea, Savu Sea, the
           The presence of growing IUU fishing   Gulf of Thailand and the Bay of Bengal.
           in the Indian Ocean region is a major   In the above context, the challenges
           cause of concern.  While the primary   before the global community are on
           impact of IUU fishing is endangering   how to reduce overfishing on one
           stock sustainability, it also impacts   hand and deter, prevent and eliminate
           the wellbeing of countries, and   IUU fishing on the other hand. They
           especially hurts the small-scale
           fishers. A recent study reported that   are two sides of the coin and both
           the estimated illegal fish landings   need to be tackled simultaneously.
           across the area of the Asia-Pacific   Optimization of the fishing fleet and
           Fisheries Commission, excluding the   reduction in the effort can significantly
           South China Sea, totalled 6.6 million   reduce overfishing. An effective
           tonnes (MT) in 2019, with a value of   Monitoring, Control and Surveillance
           USD 23.3 billion (CSIRO, 2021). The   regime at the national level can help
           study reported that while IUU fishing   in curbing IUU fishing in the domestic
           is prevalent throughout the region,   waters and also in the high seas.

                                              National Consultations on
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