Page 48 - A Gender-Sensitive Indian Foreign Policy- Why? and How?
P. 48

Indian Council
                                                                                        of World Affairs

                                     Amb. Nirupama Menon Rao
                                      Former Foreign Secretary of India

                                      Amb. Nirupama Menon Rao is a retired Indian diplomat,
                                      Foreign Secretary and Ambassador. She joined the Indian
                                     Foreign Service in 1973. During her four-decade-long
                                   diplomatic career she held several important assignments. She
                               was India’s first woman spokesperson in the Ministry of External
                        Affairs, New Delhi; the first woman high commissioner from her country to
                        Sri Lanka, and the first Indian woman ambassador to the People’s Republic
                        of China. She served as India’s Foreign Secretary from 2009-2011. At the end
                        of that term, she was appointed India’s Ambassador to the United States
                        where she served for a term of two years from 2011-2013. On her retirement
                        from active diplomatic service, Ambassador Rao entered the world of
                        academics. Ms. Rao was a Visiting Scholar at the India China Institute at
                        The New School in New York during April-May 2016, and was appointed
                        a Public Policy Fellow at The Wilson Center in Washington D.C. from June
                        2017 to end-August 2017. She was a Practitioner-in-Residence of the Bellagio
                        Center in Italy in November 2017. During 2018, Rao taught a course on India-
                        China relations, entitled: “India’s China relationship, from coexistence,
                        to contest, to competition” as George Ball Adjunct Professor at the School
                        of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University, in New York. In
                        2019, she was the Pacific Leadership Fellow at the School of Global Politics
                        and Strategy, University of California, San Diego. She is currently a Global
                        Fellow of The Wilson Center. She is a recipient of the Vanitha Ratna Award
                        of the Government of Kerala (2016), the “Citizen Extraordinaire” Award
                        of the Rotary International, Bangalore (2018) and the Kalinga Karubaki
                        Literary Award (Kalinga Literary Festival, Odisha, 2018). In 2012, she was
                        named to the Global List of the 100 Most Influential Women on Twitter


                       Indian Council of World Affairs                           An ICWA Conversation
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