Page 51 - A Gender-Sensitive Indian Foreign Policy- Why? and How?
P. 51

Indian Council
                              of World Affairs

                                    Dr. Bindulakshami Pattadath
                                     Associate Professor, Advanced Centre for Women’s Studies, School of
                                     Development Studies, TISS, Mumbai

                                     Dr. Bindhulakshmi Pattadath is Associate Professor at the
                                    Advanced Centre for Women’s Studies, Tata Institute of Social
                                  Sciences, Mumbai. Her research interests are in the area of gender
                               studies, labour, transnational migration, health and disability. Prior
                        to joining TISS as a faculty in 2009, Bindhulakshmi was a Post-doctoral
                        researcher at the Amsterdam School for Social Science Research (Currently
                        Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research), University of Amsterdam,
                        and engaged in a research programme ‘Illegal but licit: transnational
                        flows and permissive polities in Asia”. Bindhulakshmi has many years of
                        experience in doing ethnographic fieldwork in United Arab Emirates and in
                        India to understand the transnational mobility of Indian migrant women
                        domestic workers. She has published widely on gendered migration,
                        transnational labour, and domestic work.

                                  Ms. Akanksha Khullar
                                    Researcher, Centre for Internal and Regional Security at Institute of Peace
                                    and Conflict Studies, New Delhi

                                    Ms. Akanksha Khullar is a Researcher at the Centre for
                                   Internal and Regional Security at Institute of Peace and Conflict
                                  Studies. Her research focuses on gender issues, particularly
                               on understanding the Women, Peace and Security agenda, and
                        identifying how national, regional and international organisations
                        contribute in shaping the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325.
                        Akanksha is currently working on mapping out India’s engagement with
                        UNSCR 1325 and analysing how women in India are participating in conflict-
                        management and peacekeeping. Prior to joining IPCS, she has interned with
                        several think tanks, international organisations and government agencies.
                        Akanksha holds a Masters of International Relations (Advanced) degree from
                        the Australian National University and an undergraduate degree in Political
                        Science from the University of Delhi.


                        A GENDER-SENSITIVE INDIAN FOREIGN POLICY  Why? and How?
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