Page 50 - A Gender-Sensitive Indian Foreign Policy- Why? and How?
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Indian Council
                                                                                        of World Affairs

                        Security Dialogue, International Feminist Journal of Politics and is the
                        Associate Editor of Critical Studies on Security. She is the author and editor
                        of several books and journal articles and regularly contributes to media
                        debates as an op-ed writer. Most recently, she has co-edited the Routledge
                        Handbook of Feminist Peace Research, and a Special Issue on ‘Colonial
                        Legacies in Africa’ in Third World Quarterly.

                                    Dr. Soumita Basu
                                     Assistant Professor, Department of IR, South Asian University, New Delhi

                                     Dr. Soumita Basu is Assistant Professor in International
                                     Relations at the South Asian University, New Delhi. She is
                                    also a Research Fellow at the University of the Free State,
                                 Bloemfontein, South Africa. Soumita has previously held a
                           Senior Guest Professorship at the University of Würzburg, Germany,
                        as well as the Hayward R. Alker and Mellon postdoctoral fellowships at
                        the University of Southern California and Kenyon College respectively in
                        the United States. She has also worked with Women in Security, Conflict
                        Management and Peace (WISCOMP) in New Delhi and Kashmir, and the
                        Peace Women project of the Women’s International League for Peace and
                        Freedom (WILPF) in New York. Soumita has published on gender, security
                        and the United Nations in edited volumes as well as journals, including
                        International Affairs, International Feminist Journal of Politics, International
                        Political Science Review, International Studies Perspectives, Millennium:
                        Journal of International Studies, Politics & Gender, and Security Dialogue.
                        Her most recent publication is a co-edited volume, New Directions in
                        Women, Peace and Security (Bristol University Press, 2020), with Paul Kirby
                        and Laura J. Shepherd. Soumita is a Senior Editor of the Oxford Research
                        Encyclopedia of International Studies, and serves on the editorial boards of
                        International Feminist Journal of Politics, Politics & Gender, and Review of
                        International Studies.


                       Indian Council of World Affairs                           An ICWA Conversation
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