Page 30 - ICWA NewsletterOctober- December 2020
P. 30

                               OF WORLD AFFAIRS                        SAPRU HOUSE

              IS SUE  BRIEF S
              1.   Eastern Mediterranean – The New Troubled Waters                 Dr. Ankita Dutta
                   (12 October 2020)

              2.   The Intra-Afghan Negotiations so far and the Way Ahead          Dr. Anwesha Ghosh
                   (23 October 2020)

              3.   Role of the East Asia Summit in the Indo-Pacific and the Ongoing   Dr. Temjenmeren Ao
                   Geopolitical Churn (27 October 2020)

              4.   A Year of Diplomatic Victory for Israel: Sudan Follows UAE and   Dr. Fazzur
                   Bahrain (20 November 2020)                                      Rahman Siddiqui

              5.   India, EU and the Indo-Pacific: Exploring Vistas of Cooperation    Dr. Pragya Pandey
                   (14 December 2020)

                6.  Europe and the US Elections: Expecting the Transatlantic Revival?    Dr. Ankita Dutta
                   (16 December 2020)

              VIEW  POINT S
              1.   India-France-Australia: Emerging Trilateral in the Indo-Pacific    Dr. Pragya Pandey
                   (02 October 2020)

              2.   The Crisis in Ethiopia: Implications for Domestic Political     Dr. Sankalp Gurjar
                   Transition and the Regional Stability (26 November 2020)

              3.   2020 Afghanistan Conference: Global Community Reassures         Dr. Anwesha Ghosh
                   Support amidst Transition and Pandemic (15 December 2020)

              SAPRU HOUSE PAPERS
              1.   The Electoral Super Cycle: Elections and the Changing Political   Dr. Stuti Banerjee
                   Landscape in Latin America

              2.   India-Indonesia Comprehensive Strategic Partnership:            Dr. Temjenmeren Ao
                   Convergence and Challenges

              3.   Changing Liberal World Order and the European Union             Dr. Ankita Dutta


              1.   ICWA Study on India and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization:   Amb Yogendra Kumar
                   Three Essays (28 November 2020)                                  and Amb P Stobdan

              2.   UN: The Wellspring for Gender Mainstreaming of IR and Foreign    Amb Lakshmi Puri
                   Policy (11 December 2020)

              GUEST COLUMN
              1.   Furthering India-Afghanistan-Uzbekistan Economic Ties            Dr. Sunil Kumar &
                   (10 November 2020)                                               Pankaj Tripathi

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