Page 26 - ICWA NewsletterOctober- December 2020
P. 26

                               OF WORLD AFFAIRS                        SAPRU HOUSE

            Department of Energy and Environment, The Energy   The final session was
            and Resource Institute, Dr Tejal Kanitkar, Associate   Round Table Discussion
            Professor, Energy, Environment Programme,          on ‘Agenda for India’s
            National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bengaluru.   UNSC Tenure 2021-

            The fourth session on ‘Re-Imagining                2022.’ It was chaired
            Multilateralism: Views from India’ was chaired     by Dr. Arvind Gupta,
            by Prof. Rajen Harshe, Former President of G.B.    Director, Vivekananda
            Pant Social Institute, Allahabad & former and      International
            founder Vice Chancellor of the Central University   Foundation, New Delhi,
            of Allahabad (2005-10), Dr Arvind Gupta, Director,   three speakers included
            Vivekananda International Foundation, New Delhi,   Prof. Bimal Patel, Vice-
            Dr. Sanjaya Baru, Distinguished Fellow, Manohar    Chancellor, Raksha
            Parrikar-Institute for Defense and Strategic       Shakti University,
            Analysis, New Delhi, Chairman, Programmes          Gujarat, Prof. Priyankar
            Committee, ICWA, and Prof. Ummu Salma Bava,        Upadhaya, UNESCO
            Centre European Studies, School of International   Chair for Peace and
            Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.   Intercultural Understanding, Banaras Hindu
            The session discussed the geopolitical challenges   University, Dr. Manpreet Sethi, Distinguished
            to multilateralism, the need for India to seek     Fellow, Center for Air Power Studies, New Delhi.
            balancing and coexistence with the US and China    It was noted that India joins the UNSC at a time of
            and challenges posed by rivalry between them,      intensifying great-power rivalry, ‘existential threat’
            difficulties of developing multilateral agenda with   of climate change impacting multilateralism in
            middle powers, the rising salience of Vasudhaiva   a big way, while the global disarmament agenda
            Kutumbakam, which is not a pacifist idea but       lies in shambles and new cyber and space related
            seeks to overcome the ‘us versus them’ thinking    threats have emerged. India’s interest as a member
            central to Western International Relations theory,   will lie both in safeguarding India’s interests and
            transformation in the sources of power from        also to promote UN agenda on multilateralism
            military might to economic strength and even       playing the role of a bridge builder among members
            normative power.                                   and concepts.

            Second ICWA- IPIS (Iran) Dialogue
            21 December 2020

                 The Indian Council of World Affairs hosted    The First thematic session
            A  digitally the Second Dialogue between Indian    on ‘India-Iran Relations in Global and Regional
            Council of World Affairs (ICWA) and Institute for   Context’ was chaired by Amb. Rakesh Sood,
            International and Political Studies (IPIS), Iran. The   Former Ambassador of India to France, Nepal
            dialogue together senior Indian and Iranian experts/  and Afghanistan, Distinguished Fellow, Observer
            academics to discuss the current state and future   Research Foundation. The speakers in the session
            trajectory of India-Iran relations, while looking at   included Dr. Mohsen Shariati Nia, Professor,
            trends at global, regional and bilateral levels.   Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Mr. Nandan
            In Opening Session remarks were delivered by       Unnikrishanan, Distinguished Fellow, Observer
            Amb. Dr. TCA Raghavan, Director General, ICWA,     Research Foundation, Mr. Mojtaba Roozbahani
            Dr. Seyed Kazem Sajjadpour, President, IPIS Amb.,   ,Senior Research Fellow, IPIS.
            Gaddam Dharmendra, Ambassador of India to Iran     The Session II on ‘India-Iran Bilateral Relations’ was
            and Amb. Ali Chegeni, Ambassador of Iran to India.  chaired by Amb. Sanjay Singh, Former Ambassador

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