Page 25 - ICWA NewsletterOctober- December 2020
P. 25

                               OF WORLD AFFAIRS                        SAPRU HOUSE

            One-Day ICWA Webinar on
            “Advancing Reformed Multilateralism in the
            Changing World’

             10 December 2020

                 The Indian Council of World Affairs organised   Asoke Mukherji, Former Permanent Representative
            Aa one-day Webinar on ‘Advancing Reformed          of India to the United Nations in New York.The
            Multilateralism in the Changing World’ on 10       session included three speakers – Ambassador
            December 2020. The Conference had a total of 18    Manjeev Singh Puri, Former Deputy Permanent
            speakers based in India and abroad. The speakers   Representative of India to the United Nations, Dr.
            constituted a multi-disciplinary group of academics,   Aniruddha Rajput, Member of the UN International
            policy makers, diplomats, and experts. Major       Law Commission (2017-2021) and Member, ICWA,
            themes discussed over five sessions and one panel   Governing Council, Prof. Tasneem Meenai, Nelson
            discussion of the Webinar included:                Mandela Centre for Peace and Conflict Resolution,
              •  India and the United Nations                  Jamia Millia Islamia.
              •  India and the International Financial/Trading   The second session on ‘India and the International
                Institutions and Arrangements                  Financial/Trading Institutions and Arrangements’
              •  India and the International Climate           was chaired by Ambassador Mohan Kumar,
                Change Negotiations                            Chairman, Research and Information System for
                                                               Developing Studies (RIS). The four speaker in
              •  Re-Imagining Multilateralism: Views from India  the session included Mr. V. Srinivas, Additional
              •  Agenda for India’s UNSC Tenure 2021-2022      Secretary, Department of Administrative Reforms
            The Webinar began with welcome remarks by          and Public Grievance, Government of India,
            the Director General, ICWA Dr. TCA Raghavan        Dr. Archna Negi, Associate Professor, Center
            who noted that the 75th anniversary of the UN      for International Politics, Organization and
            and also the centenary of the League of Nations,   Disarmament, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New
            two organisations in which India was an original   Delhi, Dr. Amitendu Palit, Senior Fellow and
            member, provide an opportune moment to not         Research Lead (Trade and Economics), Institute
            only examine historical perspectives on India’s    of South Asian Studies, National University
            engagement with multilateralism but also take a    of Singapore, Dr. Alok Sheel, RBI Chair in
            hard and honest look at the structural weakness    Macroeconomics, Indian Council for Research in
            afflicting multilateral institutions including the UN.   International Economic Relations.
            DG, ICWA underscored that next year when India     The third session on ‘India and the International
            for the eighth time joins the United Nations Security   Climate Change Negotiations’ was chaired by Prof.
            Council as an elected non-permanent Member, ‘a     T. Jayaraman, Senior Fellow, MS Swaminathan
            new orientation for a reformed multilateral system’   Foundation, Chennai. The four panellists in the
            will constitute its overarching mission.           session were Amb. Manjeev Singh Puri , Former
            The first session of the Webinar was titled ‘India   Deputy Permanent Representative to the United
            and the United Nations’ and was chaired by Amb.    Nations, Dr Manish Shrivastava, Assistant Professor,

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