Page 22 - ICWA NewsletterOctober- December 2020
P. 22

                               OF WORLD AFFAIRS                        SAPRU HOUSE

            Sachin Chaturvedi, Director General, Research      each other’s history, culture, music which hampers
            and Information System for Developing Societies,   contemporary linkages. The role of media is
            India.Speakers  included Shri Akhilesh Mishra,     important in this context. The need for efforts to
            Additional Secretary, Development Partnership      promote tourism was emphasized.
            Administration, Ministry of External Affairs, India,   The Concluding Session saw participation of
            H.E. Jacqueline Mukangira High Commissioner of     AfricanHeads of Missions based in New Delhi:
            Rwanda to India, and Dr. Prosper Honest Ngowi,     H.E. Mr. Mohammad Maliki, High Commissioner
            Professor of Economics, Mzumbe University, Dar es   of Morocco to India,  H.E. Mr. Sebastian Beliwine,
            Salaam, Tanzania. Session IV on Security, Stability   Charge d’Affaires, Ghana High Commission, India,
            and Sustainability: Energy, Environment and Food   H.E. Ms. Tahina Rasamoelina, Charge d’Affaires,
            Security was chaired by Amb HHS Viswanathan,       Embassy of the Republic of Madagascar, India and
            Former High Commissioner to Nigeria and            H.E. Ms. Tizita Mulugeta, High Commissioner of
            Distinguished Fellow, ORF, New Delhi. Speakers     Ethiopia to India. The session was chaired by Pramit
            included Dr. Theophilus Acheampong, Petroleum      Pal Chaudhuri, Foreign Editor, Hindustan Times.
            Economist and Political Risk Analyst, Ghana, Mr.   It was observed that India not only needs a vibrant
            Caesar Cheelo, Research Economist, Trade and       Africa policy but ‘several Africa policies’ given the
            Customs Division, Common Market for Eastern        sheer vastness and diversity of the African continent.
            and Southern Africa, Zambia and Dr. Debajit Palit   It was noted that mutual trust is a crucial element
            Director, Rural Energy and Livelihoods, The Energy   of the India-Africa partnership. The world stands to
            and Resources Institute, India.                    benefit from a deeper India-Africa relationship. India
            Session V on “People to people contacts between    Africa Forum Summits have played an important
            India and Africa” was chaired by Shri Dinesh       role in furthering these relations. In the post-
            Patnaik, Director General, Indian Council of       pandemic world, health sector has emerged as an
            Cultural Relations, India. Speakers included       important area for cooperation. A suggestion was
            Prof. Sanjukta Bhattacharya, Former Professor,     made for setting up of an India-Africa Economic
            Jadavpur University, India, Mr. Alassane Cissouma,   Forum for stronger B2B/private sector interface.
            Journalist, Mali Tribune, Mali and Mr Waihiga      Other sectors identified for cooperation included
            Mwaura, Editor, Citizen TV, Kenya. It was observed   tourism, media, agriculture in addition to education
            that the youth can play a major role in deepening   and skill development. The positive contribution
            India-African partnership. Though Indian cinema    of the Annual CII-EXIM Bank Conclaves in
            is popular in Africa, both sides know little about   strengthening India-Africa ties was noted.

            ISSUE : 23  |  OCTOBER-DECEMBER 2020                                                           22
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