Page 24 - ICWA NewsletterOctober- December 2020
P. 24

                               OF WORLD AFFAIRS                        SAPRU HOUSE

            ICWA-CPPR National Essay Competition in Malayalam
            2 December 2020

                 On 2 December 2020, ICWA announced the        level were –‘How can India
            A  results of the Essay Competition in Malayalam   become a global power?’and ‘What are the ways
            conducted in collaboration with its MoU partner    in which India can build its relationship with its
            Centre for Public Policy Research, Kochi for school   neighbours?’. Topics for Senior Level were –‘What
            students (15- 18 years) and undergraduate/         should India’s role be in the post COVID global
            postgraduate students (18-25 years). The Essay     order?’ and ‘What are the new dimensions of India’s
            Completion was part of Council’s efforts to create   neighborhood policy?’.Winning entries came from
            awareness about issues related to India’s foreign   Kottayam, Ernakulum, Thiruvanathapuram, Calicut,
            policy and international affairs. Topics for junior   IGNOU, and Munduparambu.

            ICWA-ICS-JNU Book Launch and Discussion ‘Beyond Pan-Asianism:
            Connecting China and India, 1840s-1960s’ edited by Tansen Sen and
            Brian Tsui

            3 December 2020

                ICWA in collaboration with Institute of        enquiry.  Prof. Tansen Sen, Professor of History &
            AChinese Studies and Jawaharlal Nehru              Director, Centre for Global Asia, NYU Shanghai and
            University organized a Book Launch and Discussion   co-editor of the book highlighted that the book
            on “Beyond Pan-Asianism: Connecting China and      is an epistemological probe and stressed that the
            India, 1840s-1960s”edited by Tansen Sen and        purpose is not to give final word on the subject but
            Brian Tsui on 2 December 2020.  Dr. Alka Acharya,   to engage on the issues which the volume brings
            Professor, Centre for East Asian Studies, JNU and   up.  Prof. Brian Tsui, Associate Professor, the Hong
            chair of the discussion emphasized that the book   Kong Polytechnic University  and co-editor of the
            takes up to study the landmass of Asia and explores   bookexplained that the book focuses on major
            what connects us as Asia. She noted that many      themes including: archives and libraries, pan-
            themes woven in this volume have been important    Asianism and its complicated legacies, supranational
            subject of intellectual study.Dr. T. C. A Raghavan,   and transnational trends and connections, beyond
            DG, ICWA in his key note address highlighted       politics and borders and China/India as a method.
            that the book juxtaposes a number of themes        Other participants highlighted the intervention the
            in the wider canvas of Asia and pan-Asianism,      volume makes to existing literature including the
            India-China relations and opens various lines of   emphasis on interdisciplinary approach.

            DMZ International Forum on Peace Economy, Republic of Korea
            4 December 2020

                 On December 4, 2020, Dr TCA Raghavan, DG,     of the Republic of Korea.  In his address, DG, ICWA
            AICWA, participated virtually as a speaker in      highlighted India’s historical Role and its continued
            the inaugural session of the "DMZ International    support for the peace process in the Korean
            Forum on the Peace Economy 2020", organized        Peninsula.  The opening session also featured,  Lee
            by the Korea Institute for International Economic   In-young- Minister of Unification, Republic of Korea;
            Policy (KIEP) and the National Research Council for   Hatoyama Yukio- Former Prime Minister of Japan.
            Economics, Humanities, and Social Sciences (NRC)   The text of the DG’s remarks are at

            ISSUE : 23  |  OCTOBER-DECEMBER 2020                                                           24
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