Page 21 - ICWA NewsletterOctober- December 2020
P. 21

                               OF WORLD AFFAIRS                        SAPRU HOUSE

            ICWA International Webinar on ‘India and Africa:
            Looking Ahead: Contemporary Realities and

            Emerging Prospects’
            24-25 November 2020

                 Indian Council of World Affairs organized a   Former Permanent
            A  two-day international webinar on ‘India and     Representative of India to the UN.Speakers included
            Africa: Looking Ahead: Contemporary Realities and   Dr. Philani Mthembu, Executive Director, Institute
            Emerging Prospects’ on 24-25 November 2020. The    of Global Dialogue, South Africa,, Dr Efem Ubi,
            speakers constituted a multi-disciplinary group of   Acting Director of Research Nigerian Institute of
            academics, policy makers, diplomats, and experts   International Affairs, Nigeria and Prof. CSR Murthy,
            from India and Africa.                             Former Professor, Center for International Politics,
            Major themes discussed in the Conference included:   Organization and Disarmament, Jawaharlal Nehru
              •  India Africa: Enhancing Co-operation on Global   University, India.
                                                               Session II on
                Issues                                         “Enhancing trade
              •  Enhancing India-Africa Trade and Investment   and investment
                Linkages                                       linkages between
              •  Agenda 2063 and Taking Stock of India-Africa   India and Africa”
                Development Partnership                        was chaired by
              •  India Africa Co-operation for Security, Stability   Ambassador Gurjit
                and Sustainability: Energy, Environment and    Singh, Former Indian
                Food Security                                  Ambassador to
              •  Deepening People to People Contacts between   Ethiopia and African
                India and Africa: Role of Knowledge, Culture   Union. Speakers
                and Tourism                                    included Dr.
              •  Panel Discussion on India-Africa: The         Mabouba Diagne,
                                                               Vice President,
                Way Forward                                    ECOWAS Bank for
            The Inaugural Session was addressed by HE Mr       Investment and
            Quartey Thomas Kwesi, Deputy Chairperson,          Development, Mr.
            African Union Commission, Secretary (Economic      Hussein Hassan
            Relations), MEA Shri Rahul Chhabra, HE Mr. Alem    Hussein, Acting
            Tsehaye Woldemariam, Ambassador of Eritrea to      Director, Trade and
            India and Dean of African Diplomatic Corps in India,   Industry, African
            and Dr. TCA Raghavan, Director General, ICWA.      Union Commission
            It was emphasized that India-Africa Partnership    and Ms. Harsha
            is one of the defining partnerships of 21st century   Bangari, Deputy
            and is a model of South-South Cooperation. India   Managing Director,
            is becoming an important stakeholder in Africa’s   Export-Import Bank
            development. India-Africa engagement is deepening   of India.
            and has witnessed extensive exchange of high level   Session III on
            visits in recent years. India is the third largest export   “Agenda 2063 and
            destination for Africa. Its diplomatic presence in   Taking Stock of India
            Africa is growing steadily.
                                                               Africa Development
            Session I on “India-Africa Co-operation on Global   Partnership” was
            Issues” was chaired by Ambassador Asoke Mukerji,   chaired by Prof.

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