Page 7 - ICWA Newsletter English April-June 2021
P. 7
Online Book Discussion on 'Forgotten Kashmir:
The Other Side of the Line of Control'
by Amb Dinkar P. Srivastava
30 June 2021
The Indian Council of World Affairs (ICWA) The author and the
Aorganised a Book Discussion on ‘Forgotten panelists pointed out that the strands that are
Kashmir: The Other Side of the Line of Control’ by common to the Pakistan narrative on Kashmir
Amb Dinkar P. Srivastava on June 30, 2021. The include indigenous uprising in Kashmir, ‘azadi and
session was chaired by Dr. TCA Raghavan, Director the wishes of the people’ and the UN Resolution that
General, ICWA. The panelists were Amb. Dilip Sinha, calls for plebiscite. The book highlights that while
former Permanent Representative of India to the Pakistan has spoken about the wishes of the people
UN, Dr. Vinay Kaura, Assistant Professor, Sardar and azadi, the region of PoK and GB have enjoyed
Patel University of Police, Security and Criminal neither with the Pakistan Government taking
Justice, Jodhpur, Rajasthan and Dr. Shalini Chawla,
Distinguished Fellow, Centre for Air Power Studies. complete control of governance of these regions. The
strategic location of PoK and GB has ensured that it
The Discussion noted that when talking of Kashmir remains of value to the Pakistan armed forces. The
there is a natural tendency to focus on terrorism CPEC has further strengthened the strategic value
related issues and terrorism has overshadowed all of the region. It was mentioned that there is a need
other issues pertaining to J&K. A focus on other
issues is however much required and for scholars to look at PoK and the policies by Pakistan whereby
there is a need to gain sufficient knowledge of these. PoK and GB region have become colonies of Pakistan
The book focuses on Pakistan Occupied Kashmir where there is no respect for human rights or a plan
(PoK) and Gilgit-Baltistan (GB), the issues faced by for economic development. It was stated that the
the people there and the levels of underdevelopment book brings out hidden details of Pakistan’s policy
of the region. It also points out that the region has thinking and provides a window to understanding
been greatly exploited by Pakistan, a fact which is its current positions on issues and helps in marking
seldom highlighted in the debates on Kashmir. a future trajectory.
ISSUE : 25 | APRIL-JUNE 2021 7