Page 6 - ICWA Newsletter English April-June 2021
P. 6
ICWA-USI Webinar on 'UN Peace Keeping Operations:
Hostage Taking of UN Peacekeepers'
29 June 2021
ICWA and United Service Institution of India force goes against the
A(USI) have agreed to jointly organize a six-part principle of concentration of force, rebels get the
series of webinars on UN Peacekeeping in 2021. The advantage. The gap between mandate and allocation
second webinar in this series was held on 29 June of resources is also a significant issue for peace
2021 on the theme ‘UN Peace Keeping Operations: keeping missions.
Hostage Taking of UN Peacekeepers’. The discussion The following points were suggested for a policy
was moderated by Amb. D.P Srivastava, Former framework to deal with hostage issues associated
Indian Ambassador. Speakers included Dr. TCA with peace keeping missions; post-induction
Raghavan, DG, ICWA, Col (Dr.) K.K Sharma (Retd), training on safety for peacekeepers, cooperation
Former Military Observer, UN Transitional Authority between UN, Troop Contributing Countries and civil
in Cambodia (UNTAC), Lt. Gen V.K Jetley (Retd), components, and training of special negotiators.
Former Force Cdr, UN Mission in Sierra Leone Negotiation skills are required for hostage
(UNAMSIL), Lt. Gen IS Singha (Retd), Former negotiations; it is important to show mutual respect,
Head of Mission & Force Cdr, UN Disengagement knowledge of local demography and demanding
Observer Force (UNDOF) and Maj Gen PK Goswami proof of life during negotiation. There is no one-
(Retd), USI. size-fits-all approach to hostage negotiations.
During the discussion, it was pointed out that the Discussions concluded with the observation that
issue is topical from a public policy perspective as it number of issues need to be addressed on priority
is important to address the growing concern about to ensure the safety and security of peace keeping
UN peacekeeping's efficacy if the peacekeepers personnel, including the selection of appropriate
themselves are not safe. It was important to discuss resources by the Security Council for the mandate
factors associated with an increase in hostage- it is trying to achieve, adequate budget support by
taking in the backdrop of the changing nature the General Assembly, timely enabling of troop-
of peace keeping operations from inter-state to contributing countries and their sensitization on
intra-state conflicts. Hostage-taking is also linked issues of concern as considered and recommended
to taking an extended footprint in peace keeping by Special Committee on Peace Operations Missions,
missions. When deployment of the peace keeping and full support to mission leadership.
ISSUE : 25 | APRIL-JUNE 2021 6