Page 1 - ICWA Newsletter English April-June 2021
P. 1
ISSUE : 25 | APRIL-JUNE 2021
HIGHLIGHTS... • The External Affairs Minister of India constitutional development in Nepal; on
• On account of disruptions due to the onset of
• Three book discussions were held: on Nepal
which brought out the various nuances of
the second wave of the Covid pandemic,
a number of events scheduled for the quarter
European integration and its possible future
were postponed and are now gradually
trajectories; and on Pakistan Occupied
being rescheduled.
Kashmir which brought out the flawed
narratives and the history of the region which
is seldom discussed in detail.
Dr. S. Jaishankar delivered the Keynote
Address at the ICWA-USI International
Webinar ‘Gallipoli Revisited’ which recalled
UN Peacekeeping, a joint ICWA-USI webinar
the contribution of Indian soldiers in the
was held on ‘UN Peacekeeping Operations:
Gallipoli campaign of World War I. The • As part of a six-part series of webinars on
Valedictory Address was delivered by Chief Hostage Taking of UN Peacekeepers’.
of the Army Staff of the Indian Army General
M. M. Naravane. Diplomatic and military • ICWA research tracked various regional
historians as other scholars and analysts and global developments with 19 articles
from Australia, New Zealand, Turkey and published by the Research Faculty on
the UK were also invited to the conference the ICWA website, and 7 articles by
and presented papers that recalled the Guest contributors.
events of the Gallipoli campaign from their
national perspectives. • Two books were published. Sapru House:
A Story of Institution Building in World Affairs
• The Council took the decision to set up an by Dr. TCA Raghavan and Dr. Vivek Mishra;
archival unit in the ICWA to systematically and A Bangladesh War Commentary: 1971
preserve its historical records which are of Radio Dispatches by UL Baruah.
relevance not only to the history of foreign
policy discussion and formulation in India • Ambassador MK Rasgotra, Former Foreign
but will also prove to be useful for scholars Secretary of India, gifts his valuable
researching the diplomatic and intellectual collection of about 2000 books to the Sapru
history of modern India. House Library.
Online Book Launch and Discussion on
'Nepal ka Samvaidhanik Vikas'/'Constitutional
Development of Nepal' by Dr. Rakesh Meena
07 April 2021
The Indian Council of World Affairs (ICWA) launched its Hindi publication
A‘Nepal ka Samvaidhanik Vikas’/‘Constitutional Development of Nepal’ by
Dr. Rakesh Meena (ICWA; Prabhat) on April 7, 2021. The Book Discussion was
chaired by Amb. Manjeev Singh Puri, Former Ambassador of India to Nepal. The
panelists were Prof. S.D. Muni, Professor Emeritus, Jawaharlal Nehru University
and Prof. Vinod K. Bharadwaj, Directorate of College Education, Rajasthan.
ISSUE : 25 | APRIL-JUNE 2021 1