Page 5 - ICWA Newsletter English April-June 2021
P. 5
Two Day ICWA-USI International Webinar
'Gallipoli Revisited'
22-23 April 2021
The ICWA in collaboration with the United The various sessions of
A Service Institution of India (USI) organised a the seminar explored how India’s contribution
two-day International Webinar ‘Gallipoli Revisited” was for long unexplored within the predominantly
on 22-23 April 2021. The key note address was British and Anzac historiography of the campaign.
delivered by Dr. S. Jaishankar, External Affairs Discussions also addressed some of the enduring
Minister, India. The conference saw participation myths and historical debates that surround the
of military historians and diplomats as also other campaign. Suggestions for memorialising the Indian
scholars and analysts from Australia, New Zealand, presence in the campaign through the possible
Turkey and the UK. The Valedictory Address was installation of an Indian Memorial in Gallipoli
delivered by General Manoj Mukund Naravane, were made. Some rare and historical film clips
Chief of the Army Staff of the Indian Army. were shared during the presentations, enriching
EAM Dr S Jaishankar spoke about the personal the discussions. An extensive account was shared
interest Prime Minister Narendra Modi took in on how the contribution of Indian troops in all the
the joint project between the Ministry of External seven major theatres of the First World War across
Affairs and the United Service Institution of India to Europe, Asia, and Africa combined with India’s
commemorate the contribution of Indian soldiers political and economic support for the war effort
who fought in the First World War, and that PM persuaded the British Government to include India
had spoken about it during his official visits to in the “special War Conference”. These meetings
Australia, France, the UK and Israel. He highlighted then decided on the participation of the British
the importance of the Gallipoli Campaign and its Empire Delegation at the Paris Peace Conference,
aftermath from India’s diplomatic perspective which which negotiated and adopted the Treaty of
led to her being included in the Delegation to the Versailles on 28 June 1919.
Paris Peace Conference in 1919. India thereby became
a founder member of the League of Nations and In his address, the Chief of Army Staff of the Indian
obtained the right to sign the Treaty of Versailles. Army General M.M. Naravane paid his respects to
Dr Jaishankar said it was worth recalling that Indian those who have sacrificed their lives fighting for our
soldiers during the World Wars were motivated country. He highlighted that the First World War
neither by conquest nor acquisition. Their driving was a watershed event in world history and that
force was in fact military ethic, honour and the Indian soldiers fought for the prestige attached to
dignity of a professional soldier. the honourable profession of arms.
ISSUE : 25 | APRIL-JUNE 2021 5